
Refits, Mortgage & safety inspections, Consumer unit upgrades, fault finding and rewiring, property maintenance, extensions and refurbs, eicr, garden power and lighting


Garden Power and Lighting

Transform your garden into an enchanting oasis with RM Electricals’ garden power and lighting solutions.  more  


As a landlord, ensuring the safety of your rental property is not only a legal obligation but also a moral responsibility. We can provide full EICR in Surrey.  more  

Extensions and Refurbishments

Ready to add electrics to your extension or refurbishment project? Contact RM Electrical today to schedule a consultation with one of our expert electricians.  more  

Property Maintenance

At RM Electrical, we understand the importance of maintaining your home's electrics. Get a free quote 07711 099 785.  more  

Fault Finding: Restoring Safety and Reliability in your Home

We specialize in upgrading consumer units for homeowners in Surrey, providing peace of mind and improved safety.  more  

Consumer Unit Upgrades: Enhancing Safety and Efficiency with RM Electrical

We specialize in upgrading consumer units for homeowners in Surrey, providing peace of mind and improved safety.  more  

Mortgage and Safety Inspections

If your lights, sockets or switches don't work quite as they ought to, or have just completely had it, we can help refit them for you. Newer and nicer sockets and switches make for...  more  


If your lights, sockets or switches don't work quite as they ought to, or have just completely had it, we can help refit them for you. Newer and nicer sockets and switches make for...  more